Asia Pacific Yoga

Tove Kisho Jensen Meditation Guide

Tove Jensen-Monroe

Meditation Teacher for 300 Hour YTT, Rotorua March 2020

Tove Jensen-Munroe is a meditation guide, yoga teacher and bodyworker. For over 30 years she has been integrating Buddhist and Vedic spiritual teachings and somatic healing practices. Tove has been ordained in the Soto Zen lineage of Buddhism by Zen priest Edward Espe Brown. She apprenticed with the respected yoga teacher Patricia Sullivan in San Francisco and has assisted at Zen and Yoga retreats at Tassajara Zen Mountain Monastery. Tove also studied with clinical psychologist Richard Miller, founder of the iRest Institute and co-founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapy.

Tove studied psychology at The California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. She completed an Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts integrating contemplative, transpersonal, and developmental psychology with contemporary neuroscientific research on mindfulness. Additionally, Tove completed a Graduate Diploma Arts psychology at Massey University in New Zealand.

Tove is also a massage therapist with 25 years of professional experience. She specialized in structural bodywork and sports massage. She spent 13 years working as a soigneur with professional bike racing teams that included Olympic and World Champions from numerous countries. She continues to be fascinated by the study of structural and functional anatomy.

Tove is most interested in facilitating group meditation experiences, nurturing and guiding collective mindfields. She is on the board of the Aratika Cancer Trust in Rotorua, New Zealand facilitating meditation retreats and promoting integrative medicine and complimentary therapies for people with a cancer diagnosis. Tove has extensive experience working with groups and individuals in retreat settings; guiding, assisting and healing. She is a cancer survivor, humbled by the experience of being very close to death in 2017, now thriving in Rotorua with her partner and their loving dog Zak.    

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WhatsApp Joleen : +64225800523
Call Steve : +64276097039
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