Asia Pacific Yoga

Asia Pacific Yoga Steve Hall

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to teach anywhere in the world after I receive my certification?

Asia Pacific Yoga is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance so yes, your 200 or 300 Hour certification will be internationally recognised and you will be able to teach anywhere in the world. More information on registering with Yoga Alliance here.

What kind of classes will I be certified to teach?

We gurantee that after you have completed a 200YTT with us, you will be confident to teach a full 60 mins Hatha or Vinyasa beginners class. We like to get our students teaching each other very early in the training, the second day in fact. This just puts everyone at ease when they find out that teaching is not that frightening after all.

I don't think I am flexible enough / young enough / able bodied enough / slim enough …

We hear that common misconception a lot, not only for YTTs but from people wanting to try yoga for the first time. It’s like saying you’re too dirty to take a bath. If you keep thinking you are not good enough or ready enough, you just won’t start!

Our YTTs are very inclusive as we feel that everyone has gifts and abilities that they can share with their community and the world. We believe that EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT and that YOGA IS FOR EVERYBODY, not just slim, fit, bendy young girls like what the media portrays. Our students come from all walks of life, with all levels of practice and physical fitness and abilities. We have had young 16 year olds to matured seniors in their mid 70s who have successfully completed our YTTs.

I am fairly new to yoga. What kind of experience / level of practice do you require?

A passion for yoga, a willingness to learn with an open mind and a desire to transform your life for the better is all you need to join us on a 200YTT. We however recommend that students have some form of regular yoga practice. If you have just taken up yoga you may need to give yourself a few months practice in order to benefit from the training. Go to a few classes at your local studio or subscribe to an online yoga channel. That said, if you have a regular yoga practice you may be more ready than you think.

I have been practicing yoga for a long time. Will a 200YTT be beneficial to me?

A regular practice is a great thing to have on a 200YTT! You will be learning much more than asana postures as we will dive deep into yoga philosophy, mantras, meditation, kirtans, kriyas and so much more. You will learn to teach and instruct accurately and safely, learn to modify and adapt poses to suit various students and expand your own practice even further.

I am dealing with / had an injury. Will I still be able to attend this YTT?

You do not need to have the perfect, injury free body to attend a YTT. Due to injuries or the genetic structure of their bodies, some people will never be able to get into certain poses. Padmasana or lotus pose is a common example. Be honest with your students and explain why you can't get into a certain posture. You could always get someone in the class to demonstrate the pose or work off verbal cues.

We actually find that students who are less flexible or who have had / are dealing with injuries themselves make great teachers as they are aware of their physical limitations and keeping themselves safe. So instead of thinking of your injuries as a hindrance to teaching and participating in the course, realise that they can be an asset to your awareness and understanding as a teacher.

My goal is not to become a yoga teacher. Can I still do this YTT?

Not everyone wants to become a yoga teacher and we get that. Asia Pacific Yoga courses are designed not only for aspiring teachers, but for those who are looking to immerse themselves in a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation through yoga and meditation. Even if teaching is not your goal, you will dive deeper into your own practice, share a unique transformational experience and be supported by a group of like-minded people. So yes, if you want to transform your mind, your body and your life, then this YTT is for you!

Can I still do this YTT if I am pregnant?

Yes it is possible to do your YTT while you are pregnant but we highly recommend that you seek professional advise and support from your doctor or medical practitioners before deciding.

How do I secure a spot on a Asia Pacific Yoga YTT?

All you have to do to secure your spot on our YTT is to deposit NZ$500 which can be paid through Paypal or bank transfer to a NZ bank account. If you are making an international transfer, we like to use Transferwise as their rates are very low. The remainder payment can be made 14 days before the training or paid in cash on the day you arrive.

What if I can’t attend a YTT due to an emergency? What are your refund policies like.

We understand that emergencies do happen. We are happy to fully refund you your deposit if you inform us 30 days before the training starts. If the 30 days have passed, we are happy to transfer your deposit to secure your spot for a future YTT date.