Asia Pacific Yoga

Continued tales and reports from my 300 hour YTT – Hatha in Rishikesh – Prep for Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training in January 2017.

Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training

After a few days settling into the daily teaching routine of morning and evening Asana and lectures on Anatomy and Physiology, Yoga Philosophy, and Mantra and Chanting, it was nice to have a day off. Apart from resting a reading some yoga philosophy, specifically Swami Sivananda.
Yoga is the method by which the finite self or the individual soul is united with the Infinite Self or the Supreme Soul. While letting that filter into the general scheme of things I went for a little wander. Here are a few pics from that little wandering around Rishikesh, a rest day on the 300 hour YTT course.

The training is of course part of an ongoing investigation of all aspects of Yoga, a huge topic that seems to encompass everything ! Vast yet simple.  So looking forward to sharing whatever seems appropriate to all coming on the Asia Pacific Yoga

Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training

Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Same monkey, a little cutie


Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
monkey overlooking the Ganga
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Temple and fruit sellers rishikesh
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
bridge over the Ganga at LaksmanJhula
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
13 level Shiva temple Rishikesh
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
forest temple

the beautiful cows of India

Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Into the forest rishikesh
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Into the forest rishikesh
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Into the forest rishikesh
Bali 200 hour yoga teacher training
Into the forest rishikesh