Asia Pacific Yoga

The Best Locations for our New Zealand Yoga Teacher Trainings!

The Best Locations for our New Zealand Yoga Teacher Trainings!Joleen at Lake Taupo

The Best Locations for our New Zealand Yoga Teacher Trainings!Canelle one of our lovely students on Whites Beach near PIHA.

Asia Pacific Yoga teacher trainings are held in stunning locations around New Zealand.

We love teaching in PIHA, one of New Zealands most popular surf beaches.

PIHA even has its own reality TV show!

Our JUNE training is in WAIPU COVE and LANGS BEACH, two of Northlands most popular beaches.

NZ Yoga Teacher Training June 2019

A natural beautiful setting is important to take in the notions of yoga because NATURE IS THE TEACHER.

All yogic notions and practice are based in natural laws and principles.

New Zealand Yoga Teacher TrainingsWe want our students to be comfortable so we choose nice large homes, AND keep our trainings SMALL – MAX 10 pp.

Come and join us!