Asia Pacific Yoga

Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Alliance 200 RYT Certificate

Are you passionate about yoga and ready to take your practice to the next level? Are you ready to take the next step to becoming a certified yoga teacher so that you can fulfill your dream by doing what you love for a living?

Join Asia Pacific Yoga on our 30 August - 17 September 2019 200 Hour Hatha Vinyasa Tahiti Yoga Teacher Training in beautiful island Mo'orea, Tahiti. We create a very down to earth, neuro-physiological yoga teacher training with respect to the vast unknown that constantly draws us deeper and deeper into MAGIC.

Keeping it REAL but ready to FLY

Date : 30 August - 17 September 2019
Venue : Tahiti Beach House, Mo'orea, Tahiti
Course Fees, Manuals, Accommodation and all Meals :
Triple share room Euro €2400 / USD2700
Twin share room Euro €2700 / USD3020
Own private room Euro €3500 / USD3920
Bonus :
Each student will receive one complementary Lomi Lomi therapeutic massage treatment during the training.

A Transformative Yoga Teacher Training Experience

This Yoga Alliance accredited and internationally recognised 200 Hour Hatha Vinyasa Tahiti Yoga Teacher Training is designed not only for aspiring teachers, but for those who are looking to immerse themselves in a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation through yoga and meditation.

This training will include 19 days accommodation, course fees, manuals, delicious catered vegan meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and a bonus treat - one complementary lomilomi therapeutic massage. We will cover all aspects required for Yoga Alliance Certification in a relaxed environment, a small group of no more than 9 people.

The first week will be an immersion into Hatha asanas, pranayama and kriyas. The second week is about experiencing Vinyasa Flows based around Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) A and B. We will have restorative and yin classes in the afternoons during the training as well. All this will give you a broad base to teach from. 

Our focus is on :


Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Moorea Tahiti
Asia Pacific Yoga Teacher Training Joleen
New Zealand Yoga Teacher Training
Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Moorea Tahiti

Why Train With Asia Pacific Yoga

We know that there are many yoga teacher training courses to choose from so here’s what we are proud to offer you :

  • Every student gets lots of attention because we keep our groups small – no more than 9 people
  • Our YTTs are held in amazing tranquil locations close to nature and with easy access to the beach
  • An immersive, transformational experience in a safe, supportive environment with like-minded people
  • Deepen your practice with daily yoga, meditation, pranayama and workshops
  • Expand your knowledge with daily lectures on yoga philosophy, anatomy, chakras and much more
  • Get comfortable with giving and receiving adjustments
  • Learn to start teaching in the very first week

Course Topics

This 200 Hour Tahiti Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive course that will cover a range of topics as required by Yoga Alliance certification which include yoga philosophy and history, asanas and different styles of yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin), sequencing, kriyas, kirtan, pranayama, meditation and incorporating yoga into your daily life.  

  • Applied yoga anatomy and physiology
  • Asanas, yoga styles and sequencing
  • Pranayama and kriyas
  • Meditation, yoga nidra
  • Mantra, kirtan and chanting
  • Teaching styles and workshops
  • The theory of chakras, nadis, bhandas and koshas
  • Yoga history and philosophy from Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Yoga business workshop

Typical Daily Schedule

The daily schedule is flexible as it will vary from day to day depending on the needs and focus of the students but this will be typically how your day will be. The course starts at 3pm on the first day and finishes midday on the last day.

  • 06.30 Kriyas, meditation, pranayama
  • 07:00 Asana
  • 09:30 Breakfast and break
  • 10:30 Group learning time, an alive, interactive look at yoga theory, methodology, philosophy or anatomy
  • 13:00 Lunch break
  • 15:00 Group work, asana methodology, teaching skills
  • 16:30 Asana – Yin yoga and relaxation techniques
  • 18:00 Sunset kirtan chanting, meditation, contemplation


Steve Hall
(E-RYT500) (RYT200 Kundalini)

Steve has over 15 years of yoga experience and has been involved with yoga trainings for 6 years. He has taught over 11,000 hours of classes and has the highest  Yoga Alliance E-RYT500 classification, as well as being a 200 hour Yoga Alliance trained Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and an Aerial Yoga Teacher.

Steve has studied and practiced many styles of Asana, mainly Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar, Yin, Hatha, and Power Yoga. Steve teaches in New Zealand, Thailand, Bali, Spain, London and Pakistan. He has a relaxed but thorough style of teaching and a passion for Yoga Anatomy and Philosophy.

Joleen Lunjew

Joleen is a dedicated yoga teacher and practitioner passionate about encouraging and inspiring people to be the best they can be through movement, breath, wellness, diet and a holistic approach to life. She enjoys seeing her students progress physically, mentally and emotionally as they journey with her.

Joleen has been practicing yoga for around 10 years and currently has a very strong daily Ashtanga practice. She teachers Ashtanga (Mysore style and LED), Hatha Vinyasa, Yin and Restorative. She is also a certified Les Mills Body Balance instructor. Joleen's strength would be her calmness and grace and that she brings to her classes.

Vegan Meals

Eating out in Tahiti can be quite pricey so all your meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be included in this Tahiti Yoga Teacher Training. Since everyone will be on a transformational journey, we have decided to offer purely vegan and raw food meals as part of your transformational challenge.

People adopt a vegan lifestyle for many reasons. The main ones are to prevent animal suffering, to lessen the impact on the environment and to be healthier (plus, you will feel awesome!).

No matter what the reason, if you are not already vegan, take this as a personal challenge! But don't worry, there are plenty of restaurants and a supermarket nearby if you would like some variety.

Vegan Chef

Your meals will be lovingly prepared by our local chef Nathalie Lorenzo, a French woman who has made Mo’orea her home. Nathalie is very passionate about creating vegan cuisines that are not only delicious, but incredibly healthy for you.  

Nathalie will be more than happy to share with you her knowledge of how to bring peace onto your plate and love into your life. She goes by her motto - 100% hand made, 100% healthy, 100% balanced diet, 100% happiness, 100% good for mother earth, 100% respect for yourself.

Nathalie Lorenzo Vegan Raw Food
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti
Vegan Food Nathalie Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training Tahiti

Lomilomi Massage

Yoga teacher trainings can be quite a full on experience so we are including a treat just for you. Each student will receive one complementary lomilomi massage from Nathalie.

Lomi, means ‘to knead, to rub, or soothe; to work in and out, as the paws of a contented cat’ and is a traditional therapeutic massage practiced in Hawaii and the Polynesian islands. Future massages can be booked direct with Nathalie.

Lomilomi Massage

Venue and Accommodation

This 19 Day Hatha Vinyasa 200 Hour Tahiti Yoga Teacher Training will be held in Tahiti Beach House, a beautiful and spacious wooden villa on stilts, nestled in tropical gardens on the edge of Moorea’s stunning blue lagoon.

The house can accommodate up to 12 people with modern kitchen and laundry amenities. Wifi and cable TV are available but we suggest that you enjoy the pristine turquoise and marine blue waters in front of the villa instead. We will also have access to a canoe, kayak and snorkelling equipment. You might even encounter stingrays, leopard rays, sharks and marine turtles!

Mo’orea is the sister island of Tahiti and one of the most scenically striking islands in French Polynesia. The island is roughly shaped like a heart from overhead; and in the theme of love and romance, Mo’orea is one of the top honeymoon destinations in Tahiti, second only to Bora Bora.

The quiet waters of Mo’orea’s lagoon and the annual trade winds from April to October allow for a variety of activities, from outrigger canoeing to paddle boarding, kite boarding, water skiing and surfing.

Mo’orea is a haven for divers who instantly fall in love with the varied coral reef eco-system and the colorful mix of marine life. On the mountain side, the sharp landscape is watched over by eight summits featuring a magnificent ancient volcanic crater which has now become a lush valley. It is the perfect area for hiking, horseback riding, quad biking or exploring on a four-wheeler.

The island is a true reflection of the laid back Tahitian lifestyle and the warm, welcoming character of French Polynesia and its people.

Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training
Tahiti Beach House Moorea Asia Pacifc Yoga Teacher Training

For More Enquiries

We know deciding to embark on a YTT is very exciting so we have compiled a list of FAQs for all your burning questions.  

Call Steve : +64276097039
WhatsApp : +64225800523
Email :
Find us on Facebook  - Asia Pacific Yoga
Follow us on Instagram - @Asiapacificyoga

Suggested Reading List

For Yoga Philosophy -“The Heart of Yoga” – Desikichar – Son of Krisnamacharya
For Meditation - “Buddhism Plain and Simple” – Steve Hagen
For Anatomy - “Key Muscles of Yoga” - Ray Long
For Asana - "Yoga Sequencing" – Mark Stevens

If you are very interested in anatomy, download this great app which is such a good learning tool.


A slice of heaven in paradise
Tatjana Lukic, New Zealand, YTT Nov 2018

Steve provides a safe space where he allows you to grow at your own pace. It was the most amazing experience I could have dreamed of. Walking away from the training made me a little sad because I didn’t want it to end. Steve is a truly awesome human, he introduced us to some amazing teachers on the training who shared with us their styles and forms of teaching, I walk away with a cup overflowing yet I know this is just the beginning. Thank you to everyone who attended, teaches and students, I am forever grateful and looking forward to bumping into some of you in the future. I would highly recommend this program to everyone. With abundance of love and light Namaste 🙏

Transformational YTT in quiet, gorgeous Piha
Emma Jacobs, Australia, YTT Oct 2018

In short, I had a wonderful training experience filled with learning and laughter. Steve is a fantastic, hilarious, insanely knowledgeable teacher, who is full of surprises and support. He is committed to helping his trainees flourish and to bring our their individual abilities, with warmth and professionalism.

Piha is a gorgeous pocket of natural beauty, and a luxury was being able to take a quiet stroll to the beach which was only 5 minutes walk from the house. The accommodation was more than comfortable, and we enjoyed the flexibility of cooking for ourselves - having fun with creating healthy wholesome food. I found the dynamic and energy of the whole experience incredibly nourishing. We were taught what we needed to know, and to teach safely - no more and no less - which is the best that you can expect from a 200 hour training.

A transformative experience
Saree Sasson, Canada, YTT Oct 2018

The three week intensive Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Piha NZ was more than any experienced I could have asked for. The location, course, content and teachers were all absolutely phenomenal. Steve is a generous soul who was so welcoming and warming within the training. He offered a very inclusive and calm learning environment where every student can feel as though they can achieve.

The one thing that really stood out on this training was how Steve had such a natural and effective way of teaching and giving information. Along with being very knowledgeable, he took the time to ensure all students understood and would work to any extent to make sure that if students were confused at all he found a way to help them learn a concept. Along with Steve, the other trainers that were on the trip were highly knowledgeable and I could tell that Steve took pride in choosing his fellow trainers. Steve created such an open and safe learning environment and I would definitely choose to take another course from him in a heartbeat.

Here is a video of Saree getting creative with her yoga flow with incredible music.

Challenging but Inspiring
Cassandra, Canberra, Australia, YTT April 2018

Last week I concluded three challenging, inspiring weeks in Ahipara New Zealand where I became officially certified as a yoga teacher. A linguistics degree and life of writing seem still somehow insufficient tools to access the vocabulary of gratitude I’m after. To the friends and teachers who have shared their passion for the practice with me – thank you. 

The resilience I found through regular classes saw me develop a love too strong not to share. I am so grateful to have gone on this adventure with my dear friend Cassidy, and the absolutely incredible humans I met on the training. Excited to get teaching and pass on what has been passed on to me, and incredibly eager to keep learning and share as I grow. I’ll be offering regular private and community classes back in Canberra so watch this space!

A school with heart
Sheryl Marlin, Texas USA, YTT Nov 2018

As a seasoned professional and educator I 100% recommend Asia Pacific Yoga teacher training for anyone who is serious about getting a distinctive mind, body, and soul educational training. Here’s why: Steve Hall, owner and operator of Asia Pacific Yoga, is a genuine person and a dedicated, outstanding educator. Steve’s extensive knowledge and experience is the foundation of the solid program that he offers. His approach to teaching is compassionate, perceptive, and creative resulting in a non-rigid practicum that easy to digest and fun to learn.

Asia Pacific Yoga offers holistic training at its core. The program focuses on safety and the individual needs of each student. The students in our class represented a diverse range of backgrounds, yoga experience, geographic regions and age. In the end, Steve’s innovative approach to teaching assured that each student’s needs were met to insure that their comprehension, skills, and confidence were sound.

Steve’s excellent teaching staff provides the variety of instruction methods, styles, experience, communication skills, and knowledge that is essential to a well-rounded learning experience. Our curriculum included music, chanting, videos, documentaries, surprise outings, and, oh yes…nettie pots to start the day with a clear head and a unique bonding encounter! Steve always went out of his way to guarantee that all of our lodging needs were met as well. Peace of mind is important. Steve was always just a text away and reliably quick and efficient to respond to requests. Asia Pacific Yoga is not a “one size fits all” school. It is a school with a heart and a fitting journey that is well worth traveling.

Payment Details

Course fees, all meals and triple share room €2400
Course fees, all meals and twin share accommodation €2700
Course fees, all meals and private room accommodation €3500

€500 deposit can be paid through Paypal or bank transfer. If you choose to pay via an international transfer, we like to use Transferwise as their rates are very low.

Contact Steve at +64276097039 or for account details.