Asia Pacific Yoga

what makes a good yoga teacher

What makes a good yoga teacher?


What makes a good yoga teacher

A big question, here are a few thoughts.
A good teacher has taken the time to connect to themselves firstly. This can be as simple as a few moments breath awareness and letting go of whatever the day has been. You are then free to devote your attention to your students. A good teacher will connect with the students as they welcome them. Simply be present. That is enough. Be genuine. Help your students leave the day behind and come into the world of breath and movement.

A good yoga teacher is gracious and caring . Meet your students with care and respect .
Before yoga class begins, introduce yourself to any newcomers. Ask their names, find out their previous experience of yoga and check whether they have and injuries. Give them a brief orientation – let them know where the changing room , props and toilets are and anything else they may be need to know . Above all make them feel welcome and comfortable.

what makes a good yoga teacher


Knowing your stuff is prime importance. Also important is teaching appropriately to the level and interests of the students. This involves being awake and sensitive to the group, perhaps diverting from your class plan as needs arise in the class that really need to be addressed. You should be competent and confident in your knowledge and continue to study so you always have new information to share with your students. If the sequencing is good , the students will feel good after yoga class.
Offer modifications or options for each pose as is appropriate.
Dont be afraid to be poetic and use humour. Shavasana is a great time to bring in some yoga philosophy and of course allow at least five minutes of complete silence too.

Use your voice to encourage, motivate and relax. Speak appropriately to the action instructed and the size of the room. Use humour appropriately and enjoy yourself. Keep positive energy in your voice.

What makes a good yoga teacher

what makes a good yoga teacher


Make your instructions as simple and precious as possible. Speak in positive commands and cue each command with the breath. Instruct the alignment of the feet, foundation, first and then the hips and torso, core and finally the position of the arms. If holding a pose for a few breath , give at least three alignment directions.
Give physical assist with sensitivity. Make sure your assisting is positive and confidant. Remember to assist the same student both side of the same pose. Do not over assist new students.


When teaching be 100 % present and focused. It is very important you are able to help students, modify postures, to suit their needs and to guide students in injury prevention.
Share your yoga journey where appropriate. Share what inspires you. Use inspiring stories to share yoga philosophy and perspectives where appropriate.

If you make a mistake , recover graciously. You are not expected to be perfect!!! Its not heart surgery, no one will die.
Never neglect your own practice, go to the classes and workshops and continue to learn from other teachers. It is the quality of your own practice that will inform your teaching and keep it fresh.
What makes a good yoga teacher

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